For more information: EMAIL: TEL: Georg Tuparev, +49 - (0)6221 - 800224 TEL: Katie Graunke, (505) 345-4800 ====================================== New Information Technologies featuring Stone Design Software: HEIDELBERG, GERMANY, March 6, 1996 - New Information Technologies (NIT) today announced the formation of a strategic alliance with Stone Design of Albuquerque. With this alliance, Stone software is now available in Europe at affordable prices. Introductory specials on Stone bundles slash the prices even further. Andrew Stone, president of Stone Design, said: "We are so happy to be working with the friendly and knowledgeable folks at NIT. We have heard tales of blatant overpricing by other Euro vendors, but now, STONEWARE will be available at excellent prices. I am sure that the European community will be well served with this strategic alliance." NIT offers the full suite of Stone Design applications: Create, 3DReality, DataPhile, and CheckSum. In addition, special introductory pricing has been announced for three Stone bundles: Stone Graphics Bundle: 3DReality + Create for DM 990 (save 660 DM) Stone Business Bundle: DataPhile + CheckSum for DM 990 (save 660 DM) Stone Master Bundle: All four apps just for DM 1550 (save 1500 DM)! (savings relative to regular retail price, 15% VAT & shipping included) The first 20 buyers of Stone Bundles will get a free Stone Design T-Shirt! This offer valid only until March 30th, 1996. Dr. David A. Coyle, vice-president of NIT, said: "We're really excited about working together with Stone Design. Stone has been shipping the finest applications for NextStep since the very beginning. We're proud to offer these fine products to European customers at an affordable price." About NIT: NIT (New Information Technologies) was founded in 1994 by Georg Tuparev, to provide NextStep solutions to small business and the academic community. NIT offers a full range of products, from shrink-wrapped applications, to consulting, hardware, and fully-configured WebStations for the European market. Vice-president Dr. Coyle had this to say about NIT: "NIT is committed to offering the finest software and services to the NextStep/OpenStep community. We also pledge to offer our educational customers the same degree of quality service that commercial customers receive." To find out more about Stone Design, visit Stone Design's WWW site: Contact Information: NIT attn. Georg Tuparev Am Fuerstenweiher 63 69118 Heidelberg Germany Phone: +49 - (0)6221 - 800224 FAX: +49 - (0)7433 273313 E-mail: Stone Design E-mail: Phone:(505) 345-4800